Form: 10-Q

Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)

November 10, 2010

Exhibit 3.1

Certificate of Amalgamation   Certificat de fusion
Canada Business Corporations Act   Loi canadienne sur les sociétés par actions
Corporate name / Dénomination sociale
Corporation number / Numéro de société
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above-named corporation resulted from an amalgamation, under section 185 of the Canada Business Corporations Act, of the corporations set out in the attached articles of amalgamation.
  JE CERTIFIE que la société susmentionnée est issue d’une fusion, en vertu de l’article 185 de la Loi canadienne sur les sociétés par actions, des sociétés dont les dénominations apparaissent dans les statuts de fusion ci-joints.
-s- Aïssa Aomari
Aïssa Aomari
Deputy Director / Directeur adjoint
Date of Amalgamation (YYYY-MM-DD)
Date de fusion (AAAA-MM-JJ)



H^B industry Ctrwda IntfusMo Canada SMBHBBBSHWIWHWHBBWSViWT VSSD FORM 9 FORMUlAJReS (aitiA) f ARTICLES OF AMALGAMATION 8TATUTS DE FUSION .{SECTION 168) {AimCLB 1 tfyBwwwiMBBifi^pB^Esyjp^im^ullM^Jurri.Mama of IN Arna^emeloid Corpewtiort DrfnomSnatkm smiute tto la *oct&6 Is (g*bn NOVEL1S INC. Tfopmv&c*orIflWfioiy InIciafaioiWra’itvtVagkibroTafllctfr’ U provinceonla lorritotcasuCanadaoduniilu£5’2Sirso3flr to bo EliulM {tto not indicate the fuH vddraai) {iftndfayjox pas Fadrlift compWo) ONTARIO ‘3” ttw 35«iQ mwtmunimimfcrtlrblalww ttaliiw CaligwWi’o’limknomW mi&lrWtfaeUwwquo>awdotoosP cd rp Motion w oulhortMtj tp issue aulomao b dnullra unlimited inantxtr of common shares floolrfeUunajrsny Ton srWioTrariifeni noWieilorti tuTto Sue iilfiiclwif Schedule 5 -* Minlrfmni aref ma»linum t^bw^usnmta (fw awed Nemtwa trurtrraTei“maximal tfadmlnlslfaloun) (pout urTnombw fetiT™ numbor el director please Intfieale tlw tamo number in both vqu SS jh jrKSqtwr la mSrog nomijro dins leKtouxctut} Minimum;J Maitirwim: ffafir,on burine-asIhocorporationmaycarry on Uiofta Vmxii^ei a rscUvitdeommwclaloSflia’socUt^’ritya liou None “ESMCf’jiio’viaStis,any At^raBdiapaafiions, I’llyVHou ‘H uj director* limy appoint one or mure additional difcclisi’s whet shall hold office for a temi expiring mil later than die close el’ liw iwst annual meeting of Hie alwrcholriwrs, but (lie lotd-ntimW of directors su 8ppniHU«i may mil exceed one [bird of liie number m’ directors elected at dm pruviaiw mutual mcelitttj »(‘sluuubtiklunt “S’^“lho. amvlfiritrnailbi* lioabaon appro fori puvuu*’& SaFSbcfon an Is fusion neeanl avec rBtitcto’ ou (a paragrapho tia subsection el Ihe Act which is- Indicated at followar la LoJ IrtdtauS d-apf6s aSoToiii’tioh;’j’oiwtlo’qua’joiu^^Trw^iralgu: du uneetguai* tho cofporalton. Narno ofttw ai’nMgamaHKa GefpcralMfi Mo! Moamjrwiton toefol faeiorirwnts* N* flo to wcMto iovg’- MitmfMOKWitBiian “Jwwl’liiio* on o(fii’«H »<< wi wiwaiy ccm*ali« a pmam wit uu«e OSnfeisWiJcowniiw una Irfrsutkw ol toe s W wk -, tw i* UoUto to s fimr ivt exwwiwia M.O00 c to iw(.<f»wfwrt lot iwin roll -i*dhjialk>« tkf a*Jp*tMi pnrpfocMuiaKnvii.ika, »ei put^-Uo(fur4iixirKfo incoaU^fldmtttmUM<n ln«i(u,bwjdajn360{1} d IhnCBGM- m«Analo do8 WOSoutfunoirfxtiowomKnl ir*jdm»!o> unmrm, outwco» 2010 -03- 2 9 7659377



The transfer of securities (other than non-convertible debt securities) of the Corporation shall be restricted in that no securityholder shall be entitled to transfer any such security or securities without either:
(a) the approval of the directors of the Corporation expressed by a resolution passed at a meeting of the board of directors or by an instrument or instruments in writing signed by a majority of the directors; or
(b) the approval of the holders of at least a majority of the shares of the Corporation entitling the holders thereof to vote in all circumstances (other than holders of shares who are entitled to vote separately as a class) for the time being outstanding expressed by a resolution passed at a meeting of the holders of such shares or by an instrument or instruments in writing signed by the holders of a majority of such shares.