Novelis Displays Aluminum For High Volume Automotive Solutions At Auto Shanghai 2015

Novelis introduces cutting-edge portfolio to support lightweight vehicle growth in China

SHANGHAI, April 20, 2015 – Novelis, the global leader in aluminum rolling and recycling, will showcase its portfolio of cutting-edge automotive aluminum applications at Auto Shanghai 2015, the 16th International Automobile and Manufacturing Technology Exhibition through April 29.

Driven by automakers’ growing need to produce lightweight vehicles to achieve fuel efficiency and reduced greenhouse gas emissions aligned with the Chinese government’s own initiatives for sustainable growth, demand for high-quality automotive aluminum is accelerating in China. Novelis forecasts the global demand from automakers for aluminum sheet will grow by approximately 30 percent each year through the end of the decade.

As the global market leader in automotive aluminum applications, Novelis will showcase its AdvanzTM automotive product portfolio at Auto Shanghai 2015 at Booth 5BF603, Hall 5.2. These products provide automakers with high volume aluminum solutions for lightweighting, improving vehicle performance while achieving cost efficiency. Novelis will also introduce its advanced bonding technology, Bonderite M-NT 8453 in partnership with Henkel that improves the adhesion and durability of bonded joints in vehicle structures as well as paint finishes on exterior components.

 “China’s automotive industry is transforming to become more environmentally friendly,” said James Liu, Managing Director of Novelis China and Vice President, Automotive for Novelis Asia. “As the world’s leading supplier of aluminum sheet for the automotive industry, Novelis is dedicated to playing a pivotal role in the evolution of future vehicle design, helping automakers in China to produce next-generation vehicles that enable both sustainability and high performance.”

Novelis is the only company that is capable of manufacturing high-end rolled aluminum automotive products in all three of the world’s auto-producing continents: Europe, North America and Asia.  Opened in October 2014, the Novelis Changzhou plant is China’s first facility dedicated to manufacturing automotive sheet for heat treatment and finishing before being delivered to customers in Asia and elsewhere.

Novelis' unrivaled research and technology capabilities have helped to pioneer the widespread adoption of aluminum in the auto industry. Currently, Novelis aluminum products are now featured in more than 180 models of vehicles produced by leading automakers around the globe and in premier global automotive brands in China including the SGM Cadillac XTS hood, Audi A6L door, Audi Q3 tailgate and Daimler E-class fender.

About Novelis

Novelis is the global leader in aluminum rolled products and the world's largest recycler of aluminum, serving transportation, packaging, construction, industrial and consumer electronics markets worldwide. The company operates in 11 countries, employs nearly 11,000 people and has a reported revenue of $9.8 billion for its 2014 fiscal year. Novelis is committed to reducing its dependence on natural resources and aims to source 80 percent of its aluminum from recycled material by 2020. Through its recycling leadership and the advancement of light-weighting technologies, Novelis is driving more sustainable products for society. For more information, visit and follow us at 

Contacts: Marilyn Jiang, Novelis China +86 21 6035 5122 Vivienne Wei, Edelman Shanghai +86 21 6193 7417